Work Travel Time

According to the US Census/American FactFinder, the number of AACOG 13-county region workers 16 and over, working at home increased between 2010 and 2015 by 28.07% or 12,906 persons. In the AACOG region’s respective counties, there were eight counties that showed increases from 2010 – 2015 in the number of persons estimated to work at home, the largest increase at 64.75% occurred in Atascosa.

The mean travel time to work in minutes for the 13-County region averaged 25.33 minutes in 2015, slightly lower when compared to the State of Texas at 25.6 minutes, the 2015 average shows a 2.74 decrease from 2010 – 2015 mean travel time. Within each respective county, the mean travel time to work between 2010 – 2015, fluctuated slightly either in an increase or decrease, the largest percentage change occurred in McMullen, which decreased in travel time to work by 9 minutes.