Wages and Establishments

According to Texas Workforce Commission, there were 53,119 establishments located in the 13-County AACOG region in 2016, which represents a 6.0% increase from 2014. The average employment also showed an increase of 59,039 persons or 5.78% average employment between 2014 – 2016. The total amount of wages paid in the 13-County region has also increased from 2014 – 2016 by $1,381,448,206 and average weekly wages increased by 4.24%.

The AACOG 13-County region from 2005 – 2015, has shown a steady increase in the number of establishments, McMullen at 119.40% and Kendall at 50.10% had the greatest 10 year percent change. Bexar County at 7,912 is showing the largest number of added establishments in the 2005 – 2015 period. Kerr County is showing a slight decrease from 2005 – 2015, in the number of establishments located in the county.