Top Occupations

To identify the top occupations for the 13- Counties, AACOG utilized Texas Workforce Commission’s long term projections of occupations that will likely (1) grow the fastest, (2) add the most jobs and/or have the (3) largest job openings over the projected 2014-2024 period.

The 13-County area has 49 occupations falling in one or more of the categories. The 49 top occupations identified represent 463,330 jobs or 43.50% of the 1,067,800 total occupations identified for the area in 2014. TWC projects the AACOG region will grow by 241,730 total jobs by 2024, with the 49 top occupations representing 119,920 or 49.77% of the total projected new jobs between 2014 – 2024.

Median hourly wages for the top occupations compared to the State of Texas, are higher for fourteen of the 49 occupations, three of the occupations have no identified wages and one occupation remained neutral. For the 49 top occupations, when median hourly wages are compared to the State of Texas, the total wages represent $42.30 less in median hourly wage compensation. Top Occupations that are paying the most in hourly wages include: Management, Business Financial Operations, Computer & Mathematical, Healthcare Practitioners & Technical and Healthcare Support Occupations.