Average Employment by Industry

According to TWC ‘s Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) data, the AACOG 13-County’s Industries have shown steady growth in each respective year between 2012 – 2016, the highest growth change occurred between 2013 – 2014 when the Natural Resources and Mining Industry average employment grew by 26.59%; however, subsequent years 2015 and 2016 show a decrease from 2014 of 23.89% average employment.

In the AACOG region, as evidenced by TWC’s QCEW data for each respective year between 2012 – 2016, the largest Industries are Trade, Transportation and Utilities, Professional and Business Services, Education, Health Services, and Leisure and Hospitality Industries.

The US Census 2015 annual distribution of jobs by industry allows a drill down to county level data. The Census data shows the AACOG’s 13 Counties heaviest concentration of employment may be found in the Mining, Construction, Manufacturing, Retail Trade, Health Care and Social Service, Accommodation and Food Services and Public Administration Industry Sectors.