Action Plan

AACOG will continue partnering to leverage resources and align interdependent planning and development components including economic development, workforce development, transportation, environmental-air quality, housing, and more. As evidenced in the Workforce Solutions Alamo Comprehensive Local Workforce Plan, the AACOG’s CEDS is aligned with the local workforce plan to meet employer needs, and to support initiatives identified as key drivers of future economic growth in the Alamo region. workforce-development-board-plan

AACOG, as a regional economic development stakeholder and lead agency for implementation of the CEDS, will play several key roles to ensure achievement of CEDS Goals and Objectives:

1. Promote regionalism in economic development to ensure communities throughout the region are fully capitalizing on regional assets and building regional competencies.
2. Promote local economic development initiatives that leverage the unique assets of communities within the region.
3. Supply timely and actionable economic and labor market data to regional decision makers.
4. Provide technical assistance as needed to ensure communities within the Alamo region have knowledge of and access to the resources needed for their communities to prosper.

Promote collaboration and coordination among economic development stakeholders by facilitating relationships and bringing together key players with common interests