• Diversified regional economy
  • Strong local economies in rural counties that strengthen region (i.e. Fredericksburg, New Braunfels, Kerrville, etc.) –
    micro-cluster economies
  • Region is home to crossroads of IH-35, IH-10, and IH-37
  • Strong military presence
  • San Antonio Medical Center (SAMC), home of military medicine
  • Strong corporate headquarter presence (USAA, HEB, Rackspace, Whataburger, Valero, Tesoro, SWBC, etc.)
  • Port SA intermodal port and Hondo intermodal port are transportation and logistics assets
  • Strong airport capacity region wide anchored by San Antonio International Airport and Stinson Airfield
  • Eagle Ford Shale oil and gas reserves (concentrated in rural AACOG region counties)
  • Positioning of San Antonio as regional headquarters for Eagle Ford Shale production companies
  • Growing local manufacturing cluster led by Toyota and Caterpillar plants
  • Strong local healthcare cluster
  • Growing Bioscience cluster, championed by BioMed SA
  • Regional competency in biomedical research, including Southwest Research Institute and UT Health Science Center
  • Availability of developable land (rural counties)
  • Strong Collaboration / Communities, EDCs, Workforce Solutions, Education, etc.
  • Post-Secondary Education Infrastructure (Alamo Colleges, UTSA, Texas A&M San Antonio, and numerous private
  • Public transportation capacity


  • Low unemployment, limited talent pool for growth
  • Low educational attainment levels relative to state and nation
  • Eagle Ford Shale production has deleterious impact on local and county roadways
  • Limited skilled IT workforce to support emerging cluster
  • Highway capacity taxed in keeping up with economic and population growth
  • Competing economic development interests regionally between municipalities and economic development groups


  • Leverage economic potential of San Antonio to Austin corridor
  • Increased economic coordination with Austin to build complementary industry clusters
  • Continued development of competencies in emerging clusters, i.e. IT, manufacturing, and biosciences
  • Improved economic develop coordination region-wide
  • Enhance Business Retention and Expansion Initiatives
  • Improve secondary/post-secondary collaboration to promote educational attainment and credentialing (i.e. dual
    credit, articulation, stackable credentials, etc.)
  • Invest in R&D and venture capital assets in the region
  • Strengthening of entrepreneurship assets (low barriers to global competition)
  • Continue to build “Quality of Life” assets region-wide


  • Military reductions in force and reduction of additional federal funds
  • Volatility in Oil and Gas Prices (supply and demand changes)
  • Competition with other regions for skilled workforce
  • Changes to Immigration Policy / National